Waka fine bus hit a pregnant woman in freetown

Waka fine bus Hits pregnant woman on Rawdon street _ Urgent Action Needed!
I am deeply frustrated and concerned about the reckless behavior for the Waka fine buses in Freetown. Just now, a pregnant woman was hit by one of these buses on Rawdon street when bystanders began taking photos, the driver reacted aggressively, causing further chaos. The woman has been rushed to the hospital, and we can only play that she survives this.
This is not an isolated incident. The recklessness of these buses. operation under the name of government, has become intolerable. These driver's are acting with such disregard for human life because they are above the law, empowered by their affiliation with the government.
When incidents like this are reported to the police, the usual response is: "how can we charge a government bus or government worker?" The police dismiss if with a." This leniency is only enabling more disaster to happen.
if is time for the government to take serious action to address this issue.
Mr Blofar📝

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